
Privatization in the Natural Gas Sector: A General Equilibrium Analysis Latin American Economic Review, 2023.
Joint with Bruno R. Delalibera and Guilherme Zimmerman
[ Abstract ]

Reforms in the Natural Gas Sector and Economic Development Economic Modelling, 2023.
Joint with Bruno R. Delalibera and Guilherme Zimmerman
[ Abstract ]

The Aggregate Productivity Slowdown: A System Approach Economics Letters, 2023.
[ Abstract ]

Working Papers

Capital Misallocation and Economic Development in a Dynamic Open Economy (R&R Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control)
Joint with Bruno R. Delalibera, Luciene Pereira, and Heron Rios
[ Abstract ]

Structural transformation in India: The Role of the Service Sector (R&R Macroeconomic Dynamics)
[ Abstract ]

The Economic Linkages of Covid-19 Across Sectors and Regions in the UK (R&R SERIEs)
Joint with Fidel Pérez-Sebastián
[ Abstract ]

Spatial Misallocation of Complementary Infrastructure Investment: Evidence from Brazil
Joint with Fidel Pérez-Sebastián and Jevgenijs Steinbuks
[ Abstract ]