Capital Misallocation and Economic Development in a Dynamic Open Economy Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2024.
Joint with Bruno R. Delalibera, Luciene Pereira, and Heron Rios
[WP Version]
Privatization in the Natural Gas Sector: A General Equilibrium Analysis Latin American Economic Review, 2023.
Joint with Bruno R. Delalibera and Guilherme Zimmerman
Reforms in the Natural Gas Sector and Economic Development Economic Modelling, 2023.
Joint with Bruno R. Delalibera and Guilherme Zimmerman
The Aggregate Productivity Slowdown: A System Approach Economics Letters, 2023.
Working Papers
Spatial Misallocation of Complementary Infrastructure Investment: Evidence from Brazil
Joint with Fidel Pérez-Sebastián and Jevgenijs Steinbuks
[Previous Version World Bank Policy Research Working Papers]
[WB Blog Post]
Structural Transformation in India: The Role of the Service Sector (R&R Macroeconomic Dynamics)
The Economic Linkages of Covid-19 Across Sectors and Regions in Europe (R&R SERIEs)
Joint with Fidel Pérez-Sebastián